How Often Do Solar Panels Need Repairs?

Solar panels are the ideal choice for many homes and businesses as a clean, renewable energy source. However, many potential users are understandably concerned about solar panel maintenance. In this blog, we will show you how often solar powered panels need to be repaired and how to maintain them.

Do solar panels need regular maintenance?

Solar panels are a durable and low-maintenance device. High-quality solar panels can last 20 to 25 years when properly installed and maintained. During this time, PV panels may experience some problems that require repairs, but regular maintenance and inspections will prevent most problems.

PV panels require very little maintenance to function properly. A light cleaning every once in a while is all that is needed to ensure that leaves and debris are not blocking the sun’s rays. After a heavy snowfall, you may need to remove the snow manually, but this is not a common occurrence.

It is recommended that solar panels be cleaned every six months to a year. However, in more polluted areas, quarterly cleaning may be necessary. If there is a noticeable accumulation of dust or dirt on the surface of the panels, or if you observe a decrease in the power generation efficiency of the panels, then it is time to clean them.

Repair solar panel

How do you replace or repair solar panels?

If you need to replace or repair your solar panels, call a professional. If they are still under warranty, contact PowerHome and/or the manufacturer. Physical damage is usually covered under your homeowners insurance. Do not attempt to repair solar panels on your own, as it will void your warranty.

The standard solar panel warranty is 25-30 years. Since the system has no moving parts, there is very little likelihood of anything breaking down. However, if the efficiency of your solar panels starts to decrease too much, you’ll need the manufacturer’s help in replacing them. In general, panels are guaranteed to produce energy at 80% or above for the life of their warranty.

If you want to know what is affecting the efficiency of your solar panels—or even your entire home solar system—you need to refer to our blog: Solar Power System Troubleshooting. It provides examples of common problems and solutions that we hope will help you.

How to maintain solar panel repairs?

If you mount the PV modules on your roof, you need to be aware that the slope affects how often they need to be cleaned. Your roof’s pitch determines whether your panels can clean themselves. If they’re tilted enough, rainfall will clear away any debris. However, if you live in an area with extended periods of no rain, you’ll need to clean them manually. This is easy with a leaf blower or a quick spray with a garden hose.

In winter, the snow will melt off on its own within a few days. However, if the snowfall is especially heavy, use a roof rake or similar tool to remove it more quickly.

Solar panel under snow

What is the maintenance difference of rooftop panels vs. ground panels?

Ground-mounted solar panels and rooftop solar panels are not equally easy to maintain. The difference is mainly due to the different locations and surroundings in which they are installed.

  • Rooftop solar panels: Because they are mounted on the roof, they must be accessed using a ladder or other safety equipment. This increases the difficulty and risk of maintenance. Working on sloping roofs or high-rise buildings is particularly challenging. Roofs are more prone to dust and dirt accumulation, especially in urban and industrial areas. This means that rooftop solar panels will require more frequent cleaning.
  • Ground solar panels: They are mounted on the ground or on purpose-built racking, making them more accessible and therefore easier and safer to maintain. Ground-mounted solar panels are less susceptible to dust from high places, so they may not need to be cleaned as frequently. However, if there are plants or farmland in the vicinity of ground-mounted solar panels, they will need to be cleaned of fallen leaves or dust from agricultural activities.

Does extreme weather affect solar panels?

Solar panels are built to last. They can handle anything the weather throws at them, from rain and wind to snow and more. They even survive severe hailstorms and hurricanes. Solar panels withstood Hurricane Florence’s wind and rain with minimal damage, according to Inside Climate News.

However, they are not indestructible and can be damaged by severe weather. If you have a warranty and/or your homeowners insurance covers it, you can have damaged panels replaced.

Solar panel in storm

To protect your solar modules from the worst of extreme weather, take these measures:

  1. Choose high-quality solar panels that are built to withstand high and low temperatures and impact.
  2. Make sure the panels are mounted securely and can withstand strong winds.
  3. Install proper lightning protection and grounding systems.
  4. Inspect and maintain the panels regularly to ensure all connections and mounts are in good condition.
  5. In sandy areas, increase the frequency of cleaning to keep the panel surface clean.

Solar panels are a reliable and low-maintenance device. With regular maintenance and inspections, you can prolong their life and ensure they work properly. If you encounter any problems, contact a maintenance professional to have them fixed promptly. If you want to learn more about solar panels, visit to read our blog. Overall, solar panels are a reliable and efficient energy solution that is worth your investment.

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