9 Ways to Make Your Home Eco-Friendly

Homeowners who promote green practices when building or remodeling their homes not only effectively reduce energy consumption, but also contribute to the sustainability of the planet. Choosing eco-friendly materials and techniques is key in this process. First, using renewable resources and recycled materials can greatly reduce the burden on the environment. For example, bamboo, a fast-growing resource, is an excellent alternative to traditional wood. Second, by installing solar panels and utilizing rainwater harvesting systems, among other things, homeowners can reduce their dependence on traditional energy sources and make efficient use of natural resources.

Additionally, the use of efficient insulation and energy management systems are also effective ways to improve the energy efficiency of a home. By taking these steps, homeowners can not only create an environmentally friendly living environment, but also save a great deal of money financially. This article will look at how incorporating eco-friendly ideas into house design and everyday life can help build a green home. There are hundreds of green tips that can help you make your house more eco-friendly. But with so many options, it can be hard to know where to start. To make things easier, we’ve created a list of home-improvement tips that will reduce your environmental impact and allow you to live more sustainably!

1. Use Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs

Simply switching out your light bulbs from traditional bulbs to CFLs or LEDs can save 25~80% of the electricity used in lighting your home! The savings on electricity, plus the longer life of CFL and LED bulbs, means you’ll actually save money over time by making the switch, designed to reduce your home’s electricity needs overall!

Use of energy saving light bulbs

2. Install Solar Panels

For example, photovoltaic panels are an effective way to make your entire home more energy efficient and eco-friendly. They can reduce the amount of electricity you need from the power grid and potentially lower your electricity bill. As an added bonus, a battery backup storage system could help stretch your solar power further by storing excess energy when your system overproduces. This could also provide protection in case of power outages if the grid fails and even potentially increase the value of your home! Help the environment and invest in your home, all in one project.

3. Use Natural Lighting

Not all rooms in your home need fixtures for sufficient light. In many cases, you can bring your home to life by just opening your blinds. As an added bonus, natural light can facilitate more natural heat in your home and potentially offset your heating costs. Simply put, natural lighting could lower the amount of electricity your home needs for both lights and heat.

4. Add More Plants to Your Home

Plants are not only a pretty addition to your home decor. They can also improve your air quality and health! Plants can reduce your carbon footprint by replacing some of the CO2 you produce day-to-day. You also can use the opportunity to grow some herbs or vegetables to become less reliant on grocery stores, which means less transportation pollution overall.

Plants to your home

5. Reduce Water Temperature

For those who enjoy long, hot showers, remember that lowering your water temperature can make a big difference in your electricity bill. Make a point of reducing your water temperature in the summer and keeping it at a reasonable level in the winter, and you could see the benefit in your next energy bill! To make your electricity go even further with your hot water heater, consider a hot water heater blanket. This blanket further insulates your hot water heater, which keeps more heat in and allows for more efficient heating.

6. Unplug Unused Electronics

Energy waste is any energy consumed by your appliances or devices that doesn't actually serve a purpose. A computer that’s constantly on the charger. A TV with an overnight screensaver. A lamp that’s always lit in your foyer. Unused electronics could cost you $100 per year according to the department of dnergy, so there's a real motivation to eliminate energy waste!

If unplugging everything isn’t realistic, you can always use a smart power strip, which ensures your devices only consume energy while in use. 

7. Use Water Saving Products

None of us can live without water. That’s why limiting the amount you use could have a big impact on your utility costs. Sink aerators and water-conscious showerheads, for example, help reduce water flow without compromising the efficacy of your shower or sink.

8. Recycle

Whenever possible, recycle products that can be reused or repurposed. Check the labels on glass, cardboard or plastic and make sure you dispose of them properly.


9. Fix Broken Appliances

Faulty appliances have to work harder to get the job done, which means they tend to use more electricity. Make sure to regularly maintain your appliances so that they’re working at peak efficiency. That list includes sinks, faucets, refrigerators and toilets.

In our daily lives, every small eco-friendly action can add up to a great power. As a homeowner, choosing to live a green lifestyle not only reduces the burden on the environment, but also improves quality of life and creates a healthier living environment for future generations. Whether it's by installing solar panels, using energy-efficient appliances, or simply implementing waste separation, each step is an important step towards a sustainable future.

Let's start today, starting with our own families, and demonstrate our care for the planet with practical actions. The green earth of the future requires the efforts and commitment of you and me. Let's walk hand in hand for a cleaner, greener and better home. Going green at home is easy if you make just a few small changes, from recycling to installing photovoltaic panels! And at PowerHome, we make going solar a no-brainer.

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