
Chris Ferris Opts to Install Solar
After seeing how solar energy could help families save money on their electricity bills and even become self-sufficient, Ferris was finally convinced to choose it. He had attended several exhibitions on renewable energy and experienced first-hand solar technology. What impressed him most was the positive word-of-mouth from neighbors who had already installed solar systems.
Claudia Clifton's Solar Success
Claudia Clifton knows a great value when she sees one, and she knows she has that with her solar panels. Knowing that explains her eagerness to share that news with others. Wherever Clifton goes, she brings a flowery folder in case a conversation starts up where solar panels are discussed. Inside the folder are her electric bills since getting solar panels, and she's circled the monthly balance in black marker to draw your attention quickly to how low those bills are.
Metter Family Goes Solar
There are many aspects to consider when going solar such as the cost, how many solar panels will be needed, and all the regulatory prerequisites behind the scenes. However, for Alesha Metter and her family, it was a no-brainer to go solar. Meet the Metters from Dansville, Michigan. As construction company business owners, this family of five decided it was only right to own their own power at home as well. Alesha and David no longer wanted to solely depend on the big utility power companies to provide the energy they needed for their home. Going the more environmentally friendly route was also at the top of their list of reasons for adding solar.
What's the Average Cost of Solar for a 2,500 Square Foot Home?
Going solar is an exciting prospect, but many consumers are learning as they go. With the speed of learning comes mistakes, but it is from these mistakes that users learn more about solar panels. To help customers better understand the process, it is important to emphasize that the need for solar panels is not based on the size of your home, but on how much electricity you use each month. For example, two families can live in the same sized home, but their electricity needs differ. For example, the kids in Family A like to leave the lights on and play games all day, while both parents work from home. This family uses more electricity than Family B, whose members are either in school or at work all day, not to mention attending extracurricular activities and PTA events. Family A's electricity bill is twice as high as Family B's.
How Much Does it Cost to Remove Solar Panels When I Need a New Roof?
Power Home is an online shopping site centered on off-grid living and is dedicated to creating a convenient, vibrant lifestyle for our users. We empower our users with innovative technologies and sustainable energy solutions that make it easy for them to enjoy a high quality of life wherever they are. If you are wondering "How much does a solar roof cost?", as a company in this field, we can provide you with relevant information and answer questions about removing solar panels.
Will Solar Power Work after a Hurricane?
Hurricanes are part of life for anyone living in the southeastern U.S. And for those who live in the coastal regions of states such as Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, you may wonder whether solar panels will work after a hurricane. Or whether solar panels can withstand the winds and rain of a hurricane. Both are very good questions, and ones we can answer. Keep reading to learn more about what happens with your solar panels during and after a hurricane.
Solar Panels Not Efficient Enough for You?
Most of you know that solar panels are efficient enough for an entire home, at least when it's sunny at home. Nonetheless, did you know that most solar panels are only 15-20% efficient? Some skeptics might say, "Wow, there's a lot of room for improvement in the efficiency of these solar panels. I'm going to wait a few more years before I put my money into solar." That argument may seem reasonable, but here at powerhome, we want to tell our customers that, according to the laws of physics, the efficiency of solar panels probably won't improve much further. However, even if the efficiency is only 15-20%, these solar panels are still efficient enough to do the job.
Off-Grid Solar Systems vs Grid-Tied Solar Systems
For safety reasons, grid-tied solar systems usually stop generating electricity during a power outage. But if you choose an off-grid solar system or use solar panels with energy storage, you can limit the impact of a power outage. Read on to learn more about what happens to solar systems when the power goes out.
How To Maintain Solar Panels?
Solar panels are incredibly reliable. Most solar systems don’t have moving parts, making them extremely low in maintenance. Most solar energy systems come with a solar warranty of 25 years or longer. Despite this, some preventive maintenance can go a long way toward the longevity and efficiency of your solar panels. Follow these tips for years of renewable energy and low electricity bills.
How Much You Can Potentially Save With Solar Panels
Solar panels are a great way to potentially save money on your electric bill—something we can all get behind! At Powerhome, we offer premium solar panels for your home designed to help you reduce your carbon footprint and potentially reduce your grid power spending. Let’s discuss how a custom solar system from Powerhome can potentially save you money over time.  
How Much Energy Do Your Panels Produce Daily?
When North Carolina homeowners consider investing in a solar panel system, they first want to know how much money it can save them. After all, there’s no sense in switching to something unless it helps your bottom line.But after that, one of the secondary questions they ask is how much solar energy can be produced in a day by the solar system. PowerHome takes each of those one by one in explaining them.
PowerHome Customers Share Their Stories
What’s it like to have solar panels installed on your home? For many PowerHome customers, saving money is the main motivation to install solar panels at their home. For others, environmental concerns are at the top of their list. Our satisfied customers share why they chose PowerHome, what the installation process was like, and how adding solar power has changed their lives.
What Happens When I Sell my Home with Solar Panels?
If you've installed solar panels on your roof or property, you'll want to enjoy the benefits of solar energy forever. But sometimes, life gets in the way. What if you're selling a home with solar panels you bought from the PV store, PowerHome? If you know what to do, the process shouldn't be too difficult.
How to Reduce the Cost of Installing Solar Equipment?
If you're interested in the potential financial benefits of installing a solar panel system on your home, then you may also be considering other energy-saving upgrades that may help reduce your home's electricity usage and your monthly electric bill. At POWERHOME, we believe the solar movement is part of a larger nationwide effort to optimize home energy consumption and reduce our carbon footprint. That's why we're providing information on how to reduce the cost of solar equipment for your home, designed to help you further utilize solar power and lower your monthly electric bill. Let us take a closer look at how these energy-saving measures can work in tandem with your solar system to reduce your home's impact on the environment and save you money.
Solar Panels vs. Coal: The Battle for Clean Energy and Environment
Global warming is one of the biggest issues we're facing today. It can lead to a range of problems, including rising sea levels, melting glaciers, storms and floods, droughts, diseases, economic challenges, heatwave occurrences, and destruction of ecosystems. To protect the environment, many countries are using clean energy and reducing coal use in energy production. Solar energy is a great example. This blog will look at the pros and cons of solar panels and coal from a global perspective and how solar will evolve in the future.
Susan Wind On Coal-Ash Study: “This Is Just The Beginning”
The health dangers stemming from coal ash exposure have become more widely known following coal ash spills in Tennessee in 2008 and in North Carolina in 2014. That’s why it should be concerning to hear about the findings of a new study funded by the National Science Foundation and Susan Wind, a former Mooresville, N.C., resident whose daughter and others on the block where they used to live developed thyroid cancer.
Georgia Solar Incentives
Georgia is one of the key states in the U.S. for the development of the solar industry, with its abundant hours of sunshine and a range of incentives that have attracted many residents and businesses to invest in solar energy systems. This article will detail Georgia's solar incentives, including federal tax credits and a net metering system, and how these policies are making solar more affordable.According to the Solar Energy Industries Association, Georgia is one of the top 10 best states in the U.S. for solar energy. This is not only because Georgia boasts thousands of hours of sunshine, but also because the state and federal governments offer a range of incentives to encourage residents and businesses to install solar panels. Thanks to these policies, Georgia's solar industry has grown rapidly over the past few years, with more and more people choosing to go solar.
Solar Battery in Storage System Q&A
I've installed a full PV system in my home. But what do I do when it rains? Adding a battery is a quick and simple fix for this problem. Batteries provide uninterrupted electricity to your home on rainy days and at night, saving you money on your electricity bill while reducing your environmental impact. This blog will answer your questions about the most common type of energy storage system in a solar system: the battery.
Solar Panels Business
You may have considered installing solar panels for your business, but have held off on the decision because the time is not right. Or maybe you've heard that Fortune 500 companies are adding solar power, but thought it might be risky for your business. Maybe it's on your to-do list, but has been set aside due to other priorities. However, now is the perfect time to change that way of thinking. Take a look at your bottom line, see what solar power can do for it, and join the ranks of savvy businesses and organizations that are saving money by adding commercial solar power. Businesses of all sizes can benefit from installing commercial solar panels.
Solar Panel & Solar Generator Price List
Solar power is the ideal choice for many homes and businesses thanks to the growing popularity of renewable energy sources. Solar energy equipment utilizes solar panels to convert sunlight into direct current, which is then converted to alternating current to power a variety of electrical devices. In this blog, we will provide you with pricing information for solar equipment from PowerHome, including solar panels and solar generators.